How Much Does It Cost to Create an Android E-Commerce App?

 Nowadays, when almost every brand with a reputation to their name has a native Android app version of their eCommerce, one wonders if your business might need an app too. And since you're here, you probably already know what you need, but not a firm understanding of what your final cost will be.


That's why we're here to give you a detailed look at the entire pricing process for your Android app. Without further ado, let's dive into:


Factors Involved in Your Android App Cost Estimation Process

First, we have to clarify something. Android application development companies in Saudi There are many factors involved in the process of estimating the cost of your Android app, and the actual cost itself is calculated on an hourly basis, as in the hours your developer(s) spent building your app.

Here are some of the common factors that could affect the cost of your Android app, in chronological order:

visual design costs

Wireframe Costs

This is the first step and also the most important step of your app development process. Wireframe is the visual architecture of your app that includes the physical layouts, page layouts, and everything else involved in the process of displaying content in an app. Think of it as blueprints for your app development, which is vital to the next step of your app development, which is visual design.


Depending on the complexity of each app's screen layout, it should take 1-2 hours per single screen and 20-30 minutes per sub-screen.


User interface costs

Based on the previously designed layout schemes of your app, the designer will create the user interface (UI) of your app which decides the overall look and feel of your app.


An attractive interface is always worth an investment, as we are all visual creatures after all, and the fact that a well-designed user interface can bring a whole new personality to your app is not something you want to ignore.


UX costs

This is the part that the average app often misses, in part because when budget is a concern, top mobile app development company in Saudi a basic functional app is more ideal than an optimal user experience. However, this shouldn't be something that should be ignored by store owners who care about conversion rates.


An optimal user experience, when properly designed to work with your app flow, provides a meaningful and affective experience for end users, effectively increasing your app's engagement rates.


Depending on the number of interactions involved in a project, as well as its complexity, the number of hours your designer spends creating your app's UX flow can vary. On average, you should expect at least 30 hours of work spent designing your app's user experience; and for more complicated applications with well-designed and more engaging user interactions, the number of hours spent can reach 200 hours.

Development costs

Needless to say, this is the part that affects your overall cost the most, as it is the most time consuming part after all. As with any decent solution provider, best application development company in Dubai the development stage of your app will be handled by a dedicated team of developers, which will then be divided into teams of back-end developers, front-end developers, and a testing team. .


There are a number of factors involved in pricing your eCommerce app, depending on how advanced you want your app to be. For a simple e-commerce app with a few basic functions, such as app search, shopping cart, order placement, and payment information collection, the total development time varies between 600 and 900 hours.


Testing and implementation costs

To make sure everything runs smoothly, your app needs to go through a series of tests to ensure its stability and ease of use. The testing and deployment phases should not be a concern if your application is relatively small with a small number of users; but it's a completely different matter for applications serving a large user base with advanced analytics and performance management requirements.


In this phase, you can expect your dedicated team to spend at least 40 hours testing and deploying your app (if yours is a basic app), and up to 500+ hours total for larger apps with a lot of complex logic.


A profitable solution

Given all these numbers, you are probably wondering if there is a profitable solution that can meet all your needs. iPhone app developers in Riyadh To answer this question for all Magento store owners looking to build an app, there is one, and it is actually a no-fuss solution.


Based in Vietnam, we pride ourselves on being a trusted solution provider for hundreds of Magento businesses from all kinds of industries around the world. With our client-centric work ethic that puts your needs at the center of our development flow, we approach each and every one of our projects with the attention and care they deserve, with the goal of giving you the best value for your investment. .


Read more: how much does it cost to develop a video streaming app like hotstar

How much it cost to develop a daily deals app like groupon




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